Earthquake hazard and risk maps

Explore our interactive maps to learn about earthquake hazard, earthquake risk and other relevant information such as earthquake activity in Switzerland. 

To access the interactive map view, click on the map or the link next to it. 

Map of earthquake hazard in Switzerland

The earthquake hazard map shows the expected horizontal acceleration caused by earthquakes within a certain period at a specific location.

Interactive Map

Map of earthquake risk in Switzerland

The earthquake risk map is based on an index that combines the expected number of fatalities with the estimated financial losses due to building damage.

Interactive Map

Amplification by the local subsurface

The local subsoil affects how strong the shaking from an earthquake will be at a particular location: the softer the subsoil, the more the seismic waves are amplified. This map shows the soil amplification of the seismic waves compared to a standard reference rock (with an average S-wave velocity in the shallower 30m, Vs30, of 1100 m/s): Values greater than 1 mean a higher amplification, values below mean a lower amplification.

Interactive Map


Map of people and assets affected

Earthquakes can only cause damage in places where people and property are present. The map of people and assets affected shows the spatial distribution of Switzerland's more than 2 million residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

Interactive Map