
How Do Mountains Form? New Monitoring Stations for AlpArray

AlpArray is a European initiative in order to advance our understanding of mountain building processes and create 3D images of the lithosphere and upper mantle. To achieve this, AlpArray establishes and operates a seismic monitoring network (AASN) that combines existing stations of 24 seismological observatories with eventually more than 250 new temporary stations in 12 countries covering the Alps, the Northern Apennines and their forelands.

The Swiss contribution to the AASN is now completed by having installed 27 temporary stations in Switzerland (3), Italy (12), Croatia (6), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), and Hungary (3). All stations of the Swiss digital seismic network also contribute to the AASN. The Seismology and Geodynamics group (SEG) and the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH in Zurich take leading roles in this project.

Find out more about AlpArray on its website.

Read the interview and article about AlpArray on International Innovation.

Click here to read more about earthquakes and the Alps.