Google Scholar profile



Mizrahi, L., Dallo, I., van der Elst, N. J., Christophersen, A., Spassiani, I., ... and Wiemer, S., 2024. Developing,
Testing, and Communicating Earthquake Forecasts: Current Practices and Future Directions. Reviews of Geophysics.

Mizrahi, L., and Jozinovic, D., 2024. Modeling the Asymptotic Behavior of Higher-Order Aftershocks with Deep
Learning. Seismological Research Letters. (ArXiv preprint)

Mizrahi, L., Nandan, S., Mena Cabrera, B. and Wiemer, S., 2024. suiETAS: Developing and Testing ETAS-Based
Earthquake Forecasting Models for Switzerland. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

Han, M., Mizrahi, L., and Wiemer, S., 2024. Towards a Harmonized Operational Earthquake Forecasting Model for
Europe. Under review at Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. (EGUsphere preprint)

Ritz, V.A., Mizrahi, L., Clasen Repoll ́es, V., Rinaldi, A.P., Hj ̈orleifsd ́ottir, V. and Wiemer, S., 2024. Pseudo-prospective
forecasting of induced and natural seismicity in the Hengill geothermal field. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.


Mizrahi, L., Nandan, S., Savran, W., Wiemer, S. and Ben-Zion, Y., 2023. Question-Driven Ensembles of Flexible ETAS
Models. Seismological Research Letters.

Mizrahi, L., Nandan, S. and Wiemer, S., 2021. Embracing Data Incompleteness for Better Earthquake Forecasting.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

Mizrahi, L., Nandan, S. and Wiemer, S., 2021. The Effect of Declustering on the Size Distribution of Mainshocks.
Seismological Research Letters.

Software Repositories

Mizrahi, L., Schmid, N. and Han, M., 2023. lmizrahi/etas (3.2). Zenodo.

Mirwald, A., Schmid, N., Mizrahi, L., Han, M., Rohnacher. A., Dzubay, A., Ritz, V. and Sarson, L. SeismoStats.