Scientific collaborator

Dr.  Ryan Schultz
Swiss Seismological Service (SED)
ETH Zürich
Dr. Ryan Schultz
NO H 17
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich


I am interested in understanding induced seismicity (human triggered earthquakes), with a focus on better controlling and managing their hazards and risks. This includes developing workflows to better identify cases, understanding fault reactivation conditions, modelling/forecasting the seismic response, researching operational mitigation procedures, building risk-informed control systems, and guiding best-practices.

  • Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing, AGU JGR Solid Earth (2021)
  • AER Awards of Excellence, Alberta Energy Regulator (2018)
  • AER Awards of Excellence, Alberta Energy Regulator (2015)
  • AER Awards of Excellence, Alberta Energy Regulator (2014)
  • Graduate Student Teaching Award, University of Alberta (2012)
  • Roy Hibbs Memorial Graduate Scholarship, University of Alberta (2011)
  • Alberta Education and Technology Graduate Scholarship, Alberta (2011)
  • Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Scholarship, CAPP (2011)
  • Canadian Society of Exploration Geo physicists Scholarship, CSEG (2011)
  • Golden Key International Honour Society Member, Golden Key (2011)
  • Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship, University of Alberta (2011)
  • Jason Lang Scholarship University of Alberta (2008)
  • Rutherford Scholarship, Government of Alberta (2003)