I am a doctoral student at the Swiss Seismological Service aiming to enlarge the understanding of the processes controlling natural and induced seismicity by working in the fields of laboratory seismology and numerical modelling.
Since 2020: PhD in Laboratory Seismology, Swiss Seismological Service (SED), ETH Zurich
2018-2020: M. Sc. ETH in Earth Sciences, Major in Geophysics, Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich
2015-2018: B. Sc. ETH in Earth Sciences, Major in Geophysics, Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich
2010-2014: Swiss scientific Matura, Liceo Cantonale di Lugano 1
2020: Numerical modelling of induced seismicity and faulting in visco-elasto-plastic rocks. Master Thesis. Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. Taras Gerya
2019: Hydro-mechanical modelling of CO2 injection in tight rocks. Semester research project. Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. Taras Gerya
2018: Determining the ice thickness of Europa from body-wave-coda: synthetic tests. Bachelor Thesis. Main supervisor: Dr. Simon Stähler