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1959 [details...] Sep 26 04:27:09 2.3 Muotathal SZ 46.97 8.80 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1856 [details...] Sep 26 04:??:?? 3.9 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1939 [details...] Sep 26 02:42:00 3.5 Lavin 46.77 10.10 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1939 [details...] Sep 26 02:37:00 1.9 Giarsun 46.77 10.15 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1899 [details...] Sep 26 02:??:?? 3.5 Leysin 46.35 7.02 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1918 [details...] Sep 26 00:16:25 5.1 LECH 47.27 10.22 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1774 [details...] Sep 26 ??:??:?? 3.9 Altdorf 46.85 8.55 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 26 ??:??:?? 2.4 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1885 [details...] Sep 25 23:58:00 4.3 Sion 46.22 7.35 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1979 [details...] Sep 25 23:20:00 3.2 SUNDGAU (ATTENSCHWILLER) 47.57 7.47 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1971 [details...] Sep 25 10:52:05 2.0 - 47.75 7.93 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 25 07:30:00 3.2 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1951 [details...] Sep 25 04:41:00 2.8 - 46.20 7.50 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1897 [details...] Sep 25 04:30:00 3.1 Essertines-sur-Yverdon 46.72 6.65 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1894 [details...] Sep 25 04:15:00 3.1 Gabi VS 46.17 8.08 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1894 [details...] Sep 25 03:45:00 1.9 - 46.30 8.06 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1907 [details...] Sep 25 00:45:00 2.3 Sarnen 47.00 8.30 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1774 [details...] Sep 25 ??:??:?? 3.9 Altdorf 46.85 8.55 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1933 [details...] Sep 24 23:55:05 4.6 Visp 46.30 7.90 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1967 [details...] Sep 24 22:27:00 3.1 - 46.00 9.40 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1954 [details...] Sep 24 10:24:00 2.3 Montana 46.30 7.48 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1705 [details...] Sep 24 09:??:?? 2.4 Eglisau 47.58 8.53 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1905 [details...] Sep 24 07:59:00 1.9 Montreux 46.43 6.91 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1880 [details...] Sep 24 06:15:?? 3.2 Fribourg 46.80 7.15 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1954 [details...] Sep 24 05:13:00 3.5 Sex Rouge-Wildhorn VS 46.33 7.37 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1954 [details...] Sep 24 05:08:00 3.5 Sex Rouge-Wildhorn VS 46.33 7.37 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1894 [details...] Sep 24 04:30:00 2.3 Brig 46.30 8.00 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1917 [details...] Sep 24 04:20:52 3.5 Essertines-sur-Yverdon 46.72 6.63 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1928 [details...] Sep 24 02:16:00 2.7 Basel 47.55 7.65 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 24 ??:??:?? 1.7 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1899 [details...] Sep 23 21:44:00 3.9 Elbingenalp 47.28 10.48 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1701 [details...] Sep 23 15:??:?? 2.4 Linthal 46.93 9.02 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 23 08:30:00 2.4 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1880 [details...] Sep 23 04:50:?? 3.2 Fribourg 46.80 7.15 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1909 [details...] Sep 23 04:??:?? 2.3 St. Blaise NE 47.00 6.99 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1922 [details...] Sep 23 03:15:00 Zernez 46.70 10.09 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 23 01:??:?? 1.7 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1663 [details...] Sep 23 ??:??:?? 2.4 Glarus (Kanton) 46.92 9.10 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1851 [details...] Sep 23 ??:??:?? 2.7 - 46.23 7.05 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1969 [details...] Sep 22 20:42:48 2.4 - 48.14 9.00 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1933 [details...] Sep 22 13:59:00 3.5 Fuorcla Surlej-Pontresina 46.43 9.85 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1895 [details...] Sep 22 10:45:00 3.1 Cully 46.49 6.73 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1880 [details...] Sep 22 04:46:?? 3.2 Fribourg 46.80 7.15 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1735 [details...] Sep 22 01:50:00 2.4 Stein am Rhein 47.66 8.80 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1895 [details...] Sep 22 01:35:00 3.1 Cully 46.48 6.73 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1813 [details...] Sep 22 01:30:00 4.6 Ardez 46.76 10.19 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1880 [details...] Sep 22 01:15:00 2.3 - 46.80 7.15 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1538 [details...] Sep 22 01:??:?? 3.9 Basel 47.57 7.62 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1774 [details...] Sep 22 ??:??:?? 3.9 Altdorf 46.85 8.55 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1881 [details...] Sep 21 23:15:00 2.3 - 46.39 6.56 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1897 [details...] Sep 21 23:??:?? 3.2 Spluegen 46.56 9.32 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1881 [details...] Sep 21 22:30:00 2.3 - 46.39 6.56 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1933 [details...] Sep 21 21:32:00 2.3 - 46.55 7.37 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1881 [details...] Sep 21 20:17:00 2.4 Lausanne 46.52 6.63 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1911 [details...] Sep 21 12:34:53 3.5 Buhwil-Schönenberg a. d. Thur TG 47.52 9.17 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1365 [details...] Sep 21 05:45:00 4.6 Verona 45.43 11.00 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1967 [details...] Sep 21 04:47:26 2.4 - 45.81 7.86 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1919 [details...] Sep 21 03:20:00 3.5 St. Moritz 46.50 9.85 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1730 [details...] Sep 21 03:??:?? 3.9 Buehler 47.38 9.43 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1650 [details...] Sep 21 03:??:?? 5.3 Basel 47.55 7.53 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1874 [details...] Sep 21 00:10:00 3.1 - 46.43 10.05 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1781 [details...] Sep 21 ??:??:?? 2.4 Sent 46.83 10.32 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1872 [details...] Sep 21 ??:??:?? 3.9 Samedan 46.54 9.87 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 21 ??:??:?? 1.7 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1663 [details...] Sep 20 21:??:?? 2.4 Glarus (Kanton) 47.00 9.15 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1910 [details...] Sep 20 14:51:30 2.3 - 46.19 10.03 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1911 [details...] Sep 20 08:20:00 3.2 Muellheim Dorf TG 47.50 9.00 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1965 [details...] Sep 20 06:23:53 2.5 Bern 47.00 7.60 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1976 [details...] Sep 20 03:55:53 2.8 - 45.62 6.57 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1906 [details...] Sep 20 03:26:00 3.9 VOSGES COMTOISES (MIELLIN) 47.82 6.77 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1821 [details...] Sep 20 01:??:?? 2.3 - 46.92 7.40 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1720 [details...] Sep 20 01:??:?? 2.4 Sax 47.23 9.44 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 20 ??:??:?? 3.9 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1755 [details...] Sep 20 ??:??:?? 2.4 Zuerich 47.37 8.54 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1914 [details...] Sep 19 23:26:00 3.1 - 47.35 9.65 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1982 [details...] Sep 19 22:21:31 2.3 - 47.43 5.96 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1914 [details...] Sep 19 17:36:55 3.2 St. Gallen 47.42 9.37 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1922 [details...] Sep 19 13:46:00 3.1 Horgen 47.25 8.57 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1922 [details...] Sep 19 11:22:00 1.5 Horgen 47.27 8.58 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1701 [details...] Sep 19 07:??:?? 3.2 Linthal 46.93 9.02 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1837 [details...] Sep 19 02:45:00 3.1 - 47.58 8.53 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1880 [details...] Sep 19 ??:??:?? 3.2 Fribourg 46.80 7.17 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1777 [details...] Sep 19 ??:??:?? 2.4 Sarnen 46.88 8.25 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1754 [details...] Sep 19 ??:??:?? 3.9 Haut de Cry 46.24 7.19 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1702 [details...] Sep 19 ??:??:?? 2.4 Eglisau 47.57 8.53 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1670 [details...] Sep 19 ??:??:?? 3.1 - 47.03 9.07 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1846 [details...] Sep 19 ??:??:?? 3.9 Eglisau 47.58 8.53 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 18 22:??:?? 1.7 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1968 [details...] Sep 18 21:54:35 2.1 - 46.24 6.68 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1882 [details...] Sep 18 19:25:00 5.2 Monte Baldo 45.72 10.77 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1927 [details...] Sep 18 16:15:00 2.3 Zermatt 46.03 7.70 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1927 [details...] Sep 18 15:45:00 3.1 Les Dibalons-Turtmanntal 46.15 7.68 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1937 [details...] Sep 18 15:12:00 3.6 PLATEAU DE HAUTE-SAONE (VESOUL) 47.63 6.13 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 18 15:??:?? 2.4 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1701 [details...] Sep 18 15:??:?? 2.4 Linthal 46.93 9.02 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1855 [details...] Sep 18 14:45:00 2.4 Stalden-Visp 46.25 7.88 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1954 [details...] Sep 18 14:28:00 3.1 Gsteig 46.40 7.28 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1897 [details...] Sep 18 09:15:00 4.3 Chur 46.87 9.53 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1965 [details...] Sep 18 06:41:10 2.5 - 47.43 6.08 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
1852 [details...] Sep 18 ??:??:?? 2.4 Neftenbach 47.53 8.66 EARTHQUAKE manual SED(ecos09)
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