Novel unconventional geothermal technologies that require hydraulic stimulation through induced seismicity, also require Forecasting and Assessing Seismicity and Thermal Evolution in geothermal Reservoirs (FASTER). This task needs to be performed in real time and both regulators and operators wish to know the probability of a future undesired large induced event in time for risk mitigation measurements to be employed. Fundamental and applied research with the ultimate goal to develop strategies and tools for managing and limiting induced seismicity is a major international focus of current research in geophysics and reservoir engineering. Moreover, predictive assessment of seismic risk in near‐real time is considered the most crucial aspect for proactive operational management of stimulation, exploitation or storage to minimize risk, avoid unacceptable seismic hazard and enhance the societal acceptance. In the FASTER project, the software framework that is currently used by SED for fundamental research on seismic risk predictions and it performs complicated 3D Monte Carlo simulations is improved, extended, and adapted to current and upcoming generations of supercomputers. The software is customized to the needs of the Adaptive Traffic Light Systems through accelerated algorithms, numerical solvers, probabilistic models and Monte Carlo integrations, and computational bottlenecks due to coding are resolved. |
SED Projektleitung | Dr. Dimitrios Karvounis |
SED Projekt Mitglieder | Stefan Wiemer |
Finanzierung | PASC |
Zeitdauer | 10.2017-09.2020 |
Stichwörter | Earthquake Hazard & Risk, Real-time monitoring, Enhanced Geothermal Systems |
Bereich | Induced Seismicity, Software Development, Probabilistic Methods, Code Optimization |