Höhere Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Dr.  Vanille Ritz
Swiss Seismological Service (SED)
ETH Zürich
Dr. Vanille Ritz
NO H 66
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

+41 44 633 71 46

I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Seismological Service where I have a split position between the modelling group and GeoBest team.
In the modelling group, I work on the development and testing of hydro-geomechanical and statistical models to understand and forecast induced seismicity. I am mainly using TOUGH-based codes, seismogenic index and ETAS models.
GeoBest is a program funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy to provide cantons with seismological expertise and baseline seismic monitoring services for deep geothermal projects. I'm a member of the team as well as main point of contact for canton Vaud, deputy for cantons Jura and Geneva.

2018 - 2023: Doctoral degree, ETH Zurich. Thesis title: “Modelling induced seismicity in deep geothermal systems

2014 - 2017: Geophysical Engineering degree, Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre. Thesis title: “Evaluating injection strategy for enhanced geothermal systems”

2015 - 2017: Research M.Sc. in Seismology, Université de Strasbourg.


Seismologial Society of America Student Presentation Award for an oral presentation titled “Transient Evolution of the Relative Size Distribution of Earthquakes as a Risk Indicator for Induced Seismicity” (2023)